Sunday Evening Shopping Spree: Campbell Jane

I grew up with dachshunds. My first was a black and tan I got for my fifth birthday. I named her Samantha after the lead character in that old sit-com Bewitched. I loved that show and ran around my house as kid trying to wiggle my nose like Samantha did! Sam was with me for many years, even going to college with me. She died my junior year. I took her home one weekend sick, and Mom decided she better stay home with her so she could take her to Dr. Guill and get her well. I knew when I drove back to Tallahassee that Sunday night, I’d never see her again. Poor girl led a great life though, died of old age. Within a month, Mom called me and asked if I could come home for the weekend. She surprised with me a tiny little red dachshund puppy. Mom had a black and tan wirehaired miniature at the time, named Opie after the town we lived in, Orange Park or O.P. So I decided to name my new pup after my favorite place, Boca Grande. Her name was Boca. And she looked just like this little angel here!

Boca was also with me for many years. She used to sleep with me, and sometimes I'd wake up in the morning with her lying next to me, head on my pillow. DH didn't care for that too much when we got married, so he moved her to the floor in a nice cushy bed. Took her a while to adjust! But I have to give DH credit, there were quite a few weekend mornings when he’d get up early, let me sleep in and put Boca up in the bed with me. She died about ten years ago, and I haven’t had a little lap dog since. DH is more of a big dog guy. Anywho, when I saw this little angel by CampbellJane, I had to have her. She now hangs in my workshop on my little wall of small art. CampbellJane has lots of beautiful small pieces; her angels are just magical! I’d love to have of those one day as well. Go take a look at her shop here. You can also visit her blog here.


lori vliegen said...

campbell jane's work is beautiful! and how wonderful that you now have such a special reminder of your sweet little boca! :)

Campbell Jane said...

Oh Kelly! That was so sweet and such a touching story I got all choked up. I loved that show Bewitched too! What would we have done had our nose twitching really worked? LOL
Thank you so much! Your random act of kindness is really appreciated and I am so glad that my little angel has a wonderful home.
Many Blessings