We finally got a little bit of sun this afternoon so I could get a few pictures of Molly! For those of you I’m not hooked up with on Facebook, we adopted Molly from the Humane Society just before New Year’s and were able to bring her home January 3. She’s three months old and a nearly full-blooded yellow lab. Best the Humane Society staff could tell, some person who should not be allowed to breathe threw her out the window of a car. When she was brought to them, she had a broken leg and road rash. It was love at first sight. :-) She was a little shy at first, but now that she’s settled in, she’s doing really well. She loves to play and gets around amazingly well with that cast! Isabelle’s being a great big sister. It’s been a tough week for us with this freezing cold snap (come on, give me a break you Northerners; I know lows in the 20s and teens and highs in the 30s and 40s is nothing for you, but THIS IS FLORIDA! We are not supposed to have this kind of weather!), but we hope to have closer to normal temps by the end of this week! You can see more of these pictures
AWWWWW.....Hi Molly!
she is adorable, kelly! she has the sweetest little face. wish i was there to snuggle with her in the sun!
I totally love Molly!!! Our dog Jake is adopted from a shelter, and we used to be a dog foster home, some of whom had not-so-happy backgrounds. And one we kept who was named Molly!
Wow, it's nearly as cold there as it is here in PA.
Oh! Poor Molly!
What a horrid story about what happened to her.. So glad she has kids, a family and an older dog to help her heal...
hugs to her and all of you.
Awe, she's a beauty Kelly! Congrats on your new baby girl.
It's so upsetting to me how people can be so mean to animals AND children. No ethics, no feelings...mental illness - corrupted society- don't get me started.
She looks adorable and will be running soon I hope!
She looks so sweet and peaceful! Congratulations!
What a sweetheart she is! ♥♥♥
Her sweet pink nose and yellow eyes might mean she is a Dudley ... my yellow lab is a dudley ... supposedly, they are flawed because their noses eyes are the "wrong" colors -- oh, rubbish. Our Luna is a sweetheart and her pink nose is adorable.
Poor Thing! Fantastic she found you guys tho!
lol- Disney a few years ago, went swimming in the unheated outdoor pool mid-december. I had a couple come up to me just to confirm that I was Canadian ^^
what a sweet pup! both of them!
Being thrown out obviously was the best thing that could have happened to Molly. It's heart wrenching & infuriating that someone (monster) would do such a thing. I'm so glad you have her to give her a loving home. She's so cute & looks like she has a sweet spirit.
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