Monday, April 22, 2013

Catching Up on Breathing with Best Shot Monday!


It's been an absolutely insane three weeks for me, but a good bit of the chaos wrapped up yesterday. I participated in One Spark Wednesday-Sunday and in the middle of it all photographed a wedding Saturday.  I still have three big events coming up at work (including Commencement!) but other than Commencement, at least my weekends are free for a couple weeks.   

So here's my best shot Monday!  I had the pleasure of shooting Amber and Jarrod's wedding, and this is one of my favorite shots.  I have tons of editing to do but this one jumped out at me to share quickly.  Amber is the daughter of one of my sister's childhood friends (yes, I feel old now).  She was a lovely bride and I know she and Jarrod have a lifetime of happy love ahead of them. Congratulations Amber and Jarrod!  Thanks for letting me share your big day with you! 


Lisa Graham said...

What a great shot take great photos. My son is getting married next year and they want me to take their pictures...but I really am a little bit nervous about it. I need to watch the tutorial on how to use my camera.

Have a great week!

Kelly Warren said...

Thanks Lisa! It always makes me nervous too! :-)

Kerri said...

that is HYDROMATIC!!!! love that shot. what FUN. wish i had a wedding photo that funny and cute.

Kelly Warren said...

Thanks Kerri! We had a great time!