Saturday, March 22, 2025

ICAD 2024 - Week 1

Since I've neglected this ole' blog a bit, I'm going to start sharing some things from past art journaling and #the100daysproject challenges that I've not shared here yet. We'll start with ICAD 2024! 

ICAD stands for index card a day, and Tammy over at Daisy Yellow has been leading this challenge for many years! I've been participating in it for several years as well, though the past few years, I've used a vintage rolodex instead of index cards. I love flipping through it! The thing about these challenges - for me, anyways - is that in order for them to be enjoyable, I've long ago accepted that I won't finish them "on time." Creating every day is just not feasible for me with my work and family responsibilities, and frankly, some days I just plain don't have the energy. And that's okay!!! I've always felt that if I start to feel too pressured to post every single day on Instagram (where most of the challenges that place), then that takes the fun out of it. Sure, my posts might not be seen as part of the challenge once I've fallen behind enough that the challenge is over but I'm still working, but I'm okay with that!  The benefit for me is eventually working through all the prompts, regardless of when they are done. They are meant to be fun, so I refuse to be too hard on myself. I hope you'll be easy on yourself as well.

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