Conversation with Sarah while I was brushing her hair before school yesterday morning (picture taken on the Lookout Mountain Incline Railway)...
Sarah: Mama, is tomorrow a school day?
Mama: Nope, tomorrow's Saturday. Weekend's here!
Sarah: Livvie! Tomorrow's Saturday! We have two days off school!
Livvie: I wish the weekend was three days.
Mama: Me too.
Sarah: Me three. No! I wish the weekend was FOUR days. I wish "wish spray" worked on that.
Mama: Indeed.
let's go for broke and ask for 5 day weekends, girls!! hee hee if you and the twins find a way to bottle wish spray, please let me know.
Now that I am getting older, I am looking for life's pause button. If anyone finds that, please let me know!
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