Sunday, April 22, 2007

Getting Noticed!

I just clicked over to see the latest on one of my favorite sites, Scoutie Girl, and saw a pair of my very own earrings included in a listing for Wonderland Retreat, the site set up to benefit indie crafter and promoter extraordinaire Alison Gordon. Alison recently had a medical emergency requiring surgery, and like most full-time artists and craftsmen, has no medical insurance. Her friend Renee Gardner set up Wonderland Retreat to raise funds for her. Artists and craftsmen in the indie community were encouraged to donate some of their wares to the site, and I donated two pairs of earrings. One pair has already sold, but the second is still available. Here's the mention on Scoutie Girl. You can see my Magnolia earrings in the lower middle of the picture cluster! Visit all the great stuff to benefit Alison at the Wonderland Retreat Esty store here. Look for these earrings specifically here.

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