Dear Lord, please forgive me. You see, the Rings-n-Things Road Show came through town this week, and, well, um, I went. I’m sorry, Lord. I just couldn’t resist. Yes, yes, I know I have enough beads to open my own bead store. What’s that? Well, yes Sir, I guess You’re right; I probably do have enough beads to open up two bead stores. But they just have so many beautiful gemstones, Lord! All Your beautiful creations! I tried to have a little more self control, really I did. I even made myself walk through the entire show and look at every table before I put a single strand in my tray. Yes, I know Sir, You’re right. I really should have just turned around and walked

away when I saw all that luscious aquamarine. Sir? Yes, You’re right again, of course, I already have seven trays of crystals and gemstones in the blue/green family. I do. But you know how I love that color family, Lord.
I truly envied those shoppers who seemed to be exhibiting a little more self control than I, Lord. Oh, yes Sir, I know envy is one of those seven deadly sins. You see, that’s why I just dropped the whole envy act and went ahead and loaded up my tray, Lord. I got those beautiful aquamarine puffed rectangles and Russian crazy lace agates (1); gorgeous crazy lace agate and purple rainbow agate large coins (2); yummy black onyx rondelles and smoky quartz rondelles, briolettes and puffed disks (3);

and even some awesome Russian lace agate, silver needle agate and purple rainbow agate extra large ovals and trillions (4). How could I resist those prices, Lord?! It was 50% off retail, and then another 15% off that! I know, I know, I really do need to get busy now.
What’s that? Oh, yes Sir! I definitely made sure I had the girls’ pre-school tuition covered before I bought anything! Really I did! And it will do our constitution good to live on Ramen noodles for a few weeks, don’t You think? Sarah really prefers peanut-butter-and-jelly anyways, and we’re stocked up on that. And You know Livvie, Lord. She’ll eat anything I put in front of her anyway.

Sir? Yes, I will try harder to control myself next time. Thankfully, Lord, the Road Show only comes to town once a year. Sir? Oh yes, I know about that St. Augustine bead show coming up in August…..I’ll try to stay away….but I’m sure I’ll need some silver by then…
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I just love your way of writing! Very comical and warm. Keep up the good work - love ALL your pieces.
Thank you!
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