Today is Sarah and Olivia’s 4th birthday! We had their party yesterday. We rented one of those big blow up water slides, so both the kids and the adults were completely entertained…and today, totally exhausted. The girls are finally down for a nap today. I’ll post a few pictures from the party later this week. But as you may have guessed by this point, this little gal came wrapped in a red bow. Her name is Isabelle. We really weren’t planning on getting the girls a puppy for their birthday, but sometimes, as the saying goes, “timing is everything”.
Isabelle walked into my office on Tuesday. One of my students was trying to find a home for her. One thing led to another and here we are with a new puppy. She’s 13 weeks old, ½ chocolate lab, ½ weimeraner. When I called the DH to ask if we could keep her, he reminded me of another one of those as the sayings go….there’s no such thing as a free dog!
So after the trip to PetSmart for her crate (thankfully, she’s pretty much already crate trained), a large bag of dog food and some treats and toys, Isabelle is no longer a free dog! And though the girls love her, she’s also already attached herself to DH. I’m sure the fact that he’s sleeping with her on his couch downstairs as we speak has nothing to do with that.
Savannah and Kitty, on the other hand, are none too happy about their new sibling. We quickly learned that right now, Isabelle is still small enough to fit through the kitty door. As Kitty was coming down the stairs, Izzy was coming up…a nose to kitty paw fight ensued, and they both turned around and ran their separate directions. I found Kitty in the bathroom sink about 30 minutes later. Yes, sitting in the sink. That was a first. Not a happy kitty. Savannah has just chosen to stay away. She’s been through this before. When we brought her home, we had four dogs. She thought she was home free when she out-lived the dogs, but then we brought home Kitty. And now she’s got to deal with a dog all over again. Oh well, I guess everyone will adjust soon enough! Savannah is a 9-year-old long-haired calico; Kitty is a 6-year-old gray tabby.
I did mention that Izzy is pretty well crate trained. "Pretty well" being the key phrase. She knows that she needs to go outside for a tinkle. However, she has already christened two different rugs with that other, um, stuff. Lord help us all….of course, I have always said that when we got another dog, I wanted to get two so they wouldn’t be lonely while we're gone to work all day….
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