Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Speaking of Building Cathedrals....

My little cathedrals continue to amaze me. I had a two sweet surprises yesterday. First, as you can see here, Livvie was awarded "Best Girl of the Week" in her VPK class! I have no idea what one must do to earn this prestigious award, but I'm very proud of her just the same! She's very even tempered and very rarely misbehaves (yes, I realize I have just cursed myself), so I guess that was the reason for her award.

As for Sarah, she did quite a number on "my room" yesterday afternoon. Since DH can literally rock the roof with his snoring, I usually sleep upstairs in the guest room. When I went up last night, I had to come back down to ask DH who had been up there! He told me Sarah was playing in there while I was at my guitar lesson, and he thought he heard her jumping on the bed. What I found was a very well made up bed (the best effort a four-year-old could do anyway), with nearly every pillow in the room nicely stacked on the bed, same amount on each side. Nearby in my antique cradle, Abiner Smoothie--a teddy bear I've had since middle school--was sleeping peacefully on a big fluffy towel (okay, so it was the towel I keep in the window seat for the cats to sleep on, but big and fluffy none-the-less), and Abiner was covered with Sarah's favorite quilt. I was impressed. Not just that she made up the bed as well as she did (I guess that's a clue that I didn't make up the bed in the morning) but that she was so thoughtful to think of doing that to begin with. I am blessed with two very sweet little girls.

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