Thursday, May 22, 2008

Gaining the Confidence of Children

Sarah and I made this collage together Sunday afternoon. DH and I have been trying to find time to sit down with the girls individually for some quality one-on-one time, since we both bring something a little different to the interactions. While Sarah and I were making this, DH and Olivia were playing with race cars. I helped Sarah cut out the hearts here, but she did everything else herself. When I got home from work Monday afternoon, what do you think was the first thing she asked me? “Mama, can we go downstairs and create another art project together?”

Now I just need to get my butt motivated and unafraid like they are! That’s what I think I’m learning most from my girls. Rarely do they doubt themselves. They’ll come downstairs dressed in the most, um, we’ll keep it simple at “non-matching”, outfit they can come up with and say, “Mama! Don't I look fabulous!?” Fabulous is their favorite new word since I use it on them regularly. They draw pictures with abandon, of course proclaiming every single one art wall or 'fridge worthy. I need a little dose of that confidence. Roni started a Yahoo group for our Fat Book swap and I’ve been reading some of the conversations and feeling like I may have gotten in over my head! After reading some of the exchanges about glazes and using up stashes today, I had to confess to the group that I was the most beginner of beginners. I just wanted to prepare them for the elementary pieces that would be traveling their way from the Happy Shack! Hmmm….maybe I just should have my girls help me design them? I’m off to the Blue Crab Festival tomorrow and then I’ll get back to my book entries next week. Pray for good weather this weekend!

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