Happy Monday! One of my goals on Creative Construction’s Monday Page last Monday was to cherish time with my girls, since I was essentially a single mom last week; DH was working 12-14 hours days. I struggled with that at the beginning of the week since there were just entirely too many things on my to-do list. Remember that “Why Say No?” post a couple weeks ago?

Well that long to-do list is one of the downsides of saying yes to everything you want to say yes to… But by mid-week, I threw my to-do list aside and went back to that goal. The girls and I took advantage of some gorgeous afternoon weather (a rarity in Florida in mid-July) and hung out on the dock with the camera. Of course, we had to take pictures of Bunny and Bambi posing in various locations on the dock (yet, somehow they all look the same…hmmm…) so I’ll spare you those, but in between hanging our feet in the water and splashing around, we also got some great shots out of the afternoon. You can click on the photos to enlarge them.

Though I love to take pictures and play with paper, I’ve never been a scrap-booker (maybe something I should add to my list?), but I realized recently that in writing this blog, I’m creating the perfect scrapbook fodder for my girls. I can just print out the posts I’ve written about the girls, print out some pictures, add them to a page, and viola! Instant scrapbook! What do you think?
Speaking of Creative Construction, I’ve been wavering back and forth over whether or not to share this with you, but in the interest of full disclosure and should you happen over to the Creative Construction blog and read it, I’d want you to be prepared. Each week, Creative Construction offers a creativity contest and prompt to get your wheels turning. Last week’s prompt was “my mother’s house”. Well that surely got my wheels turning…..and turned into a very cathartic writing exercise for me. I won the contest last week, but I’ll warn you, it was a very emotional piece. You can take a look if you’d like here. It does remind me to cherish those moments mentioned above.
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Hi! your girls are getting so big!
honey, you are a FAB writer .... your story was very touching .... well done ....
That story gave me chills. I agree with e. beck - your writing is fabulous.
love that picture of your girls!
They are beautiful! Since I am new here I didn't know one is curly and one is straight! Beautiful.
Good idea to print out the posts... I've thought the same thing. Would love to be a scrapbooker but it'd be just one more thing on the to-do list.
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