Wednesday, August 27, 2008

CC Weekly Creativity Challenge: Wedding

My wedding had several memorable events. The first actually happened about a week before the wedding. You see, my grandmother made my dress, yet three weeks before the wedding, my dress was still just a pile of material and lace in her sewing room. I knew she’d get it done, but it would be a last minute scramble. A week before the wedding, she finished it and asked me to come over and model it for a few of her friends. Everyone oohed and aahhed, and then I went back to her room to take the dress off. It was at this moment that Nana’s dog Penny felt Nana had spent entirely too much time with that dress and not enough time with her, so she promptly took the opportunity to relieve herself on it. Nana hit the roof; I was amazingly calm and told her, “It’s okay, Nana! We’ll take it to the cleaners and they will get it out!” as she chased the dog under the bed. And they did get it out…most of it anyway…there’s still a nice reminder of a stain on the unlining of the train.

And then there was the actual wedding itself. DH called “Time Out!”, football style, smack dab in the middle of the ceremony. During the rehearsal the night before, the pastor really minimized the amount of verbage she gave him at once, so he told her she could give him a little more. Apparently, day of, she gave him a bit more than he could handle. The whole church burst out laughing. All we needed was a whistle and a couple black and white striped shirts.

Post wedding, my best friend Becky actually spent our honeymoon with us! (Too long of story to describe the reasoning behind that! It was a destination wedding!) We were scuba-diving one day, and while DH was taking a break on the boat, Bec and I came up on a small nurse shark. Small to me anyway, being a veteran diver. Becky, on the other hand, freaked. She kept motioning to me and pointing at the shark while flailing around madly. Icould literally hear her through her mouthpiece……(abbrevieated to keep it clean, and she rarely cusses)…” g-d-m-f shark! g-d-m-f shark! g-d-m-f shark!” DH said he could even hear her words popping out of the bubbles as they broke the surface. Truly, it was a harmless little four-foot nurse shark. Really can’t even take nibble out of you! It was a memorable week….

Go on over to Creative Construction to see all the "wedding" entries, including the pictures I shared with my post.

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