Tuesday, September 2, 2008

CC Weekly Creativity Contest: Sunflowers

The girlies and I had an art afternoon together yesterday, and we had so much fun! The creativity contest challenge on Creative Construction last week was “sunflowers”. We found these wooden sunflowers on the clearance aisle at Michael’s for a quarter a piece, and then we created the rest with other stuff I already had at home. These were tough to photograph, so they are much brighter in person! Click on the photos to enlarge for full effect. Click here for all the sunflowers entries.

I created mine (above, about 8" x 15") and taught the girls each step, step by step, as I was creating. We started with some old discarded wood and covered our wood with maps (as inspired by my wonderful artist friends Elizabeth and Wyanne!).

Then we painted water colors over our maps: I chose blue, Sarah chose pink (above, about 8" x 10"), and Livvie chose purple (below, about 8" x 10"). Then we selected the papers we wanted to use for the grass, stems, and leaves and started cutting and gluing layer upon layer.

The toughest part for them (and me, for that matter!) was giving the piece time to dry between layers. I’m not sure who’s prouder of the girls' finished products, me or them! Yeah! Update: I just found out that our entries won the weekly contest! The girls will be thrilled!


Carmen said...

These are fantastic! What a fun idea!!!

Wyanne Thompson said...

Oh...these are so sweet! I'm so glad that the three of you got to make art together. They did so great! I know you're going to find a special place to hang them...Reminded me that I have a birthday video for you. I have the girls blowing out the candles. I'll try to find it and get it to you soon. Love, Wyanne

Angela said...

Hi Kelly, looks like the apples didn't fall far from the tree! Those sunflowers are adorable ~ just like your girls! You Warren ladies are just so artistic :)

Hope this finds you well, take care! :)