Monday, October 27, 2008

Fat Book Entry #10: Aged and Tattered Wings

Well, here it is! My final entry in the Fat Book Swap! Yeah! I really, really struggled with this one for a while. I kept getting stuck on the “aged and tattered” part. My overall style, both in jewelry and in mixed media, is definitely not aged and tattered…I lean more towards the bling! But then I decided to use this quote, which I use at work in my service learning and volunteerism student presentation. And while the art I came up with is definitely not aged and tattered, I felt like the quote had an aged and tattered feel to it. As I said last week, I have thoroughly enjoyed this project…yes, it’s stressed me out at times due to my master’s degree in procrastination, but it’s truly been fun. Now the challenge is what to do with them all! At 100 pieces of original art, that’s going to be one heck of a thick “book”. I’ll let you know once they all arrive at my door! Click here to see all ten entires.


ELLIE said...

your last page is my favorite for sure - I so love angels and that is one of my favorite quotes - I think your fat book pages are fabulous - congrats on completing them all!!!
I cannot wait to see what you get back!
take care

Anonymous said...

SO I guess you found the Angel guys website...the entry turned out AMAZING!

I think it would be really cook if you displayed them with your jewelry...People might even be interested in purchasing one or two...=-)

Like we have learned sometimes it the things we least expect that people want to buy...for example glass jars...
