Friday, October 3, 2008

Perfection is Not Going to Happen...

I read a sentence over on Creative Construction today that really struck a chord with me. “Perfection is not going to happen, but life will,” said our current Breakfast guest, Lindsey Cheney. My goodness, what a powerful statement. Very good food for thought, and something I needed to be reminded of this week. I’ve been frantically preparing for the Thornebrook Arts Festival (yes, because as you already know, I AM the queen of procrastination) so all else has fallen by the wayside. The house has been a disaster, dinner time is a true act in creativity piecing together a little of this and a little of that (thank God for DH…are you reading this Honey?...thank you for all that you do….), the girls’ laundry is not done, and they are coming up with rather creative outfits for school (I’m letting them show their individuality! Who really cares if they wear striped socks with red sparkly shoes and a blue and pink floral dress?) I’d say we’ll be back to normal next week, but really, what the heck is “normal” anyway? Read Lindsey’s full Breakfast interview here and be sure to visit The Pleated Poppy to see her lovely little things, like these travel tissue cases pictured here. I'm off to Thornebrook! Wish me luck!

1 comment:

cath c said...

kelly, i let go of perfect a loooooong time ago. it's very freeing. now it only rears it's ugly little head when i'm trying to make sense of just one corner of the chaos of clutter that is my dwelling space, or when i find myself obsessing over a paragraph i'm writing. when i reach that point, it helps if i walk away, breath, and ask what's important. usually the answer is getting the rough down now and fine tuning it later. so perfection is thwarted once again.