That is the question! Happy New Year to you and yours! I’m usually not one to make a list of New Year’s resolutions that I’ll probably never carry out anyway. Sure I could say that I’m going to lose weight, get back in shape, and eat more vegetables, and I probably will, but are those really resolutions or just good things to do no matter what? I say the latter. While we may not all need to lose a few pounds, we can all benefit by staying in shape and eating our veggies, right?!

So what would I like to do this year? Here are examples of two. First, I’ll be taking lots more pictures, thanks to the new telephoto lens and tripod I found under the Christmas tree. I took this cloud picture Christmas afternoon. We are blessed with gorgeous sunsets here at the Happy Shack, so there may be more cloud pictures in your future. Second, I’d really like to take more naps. Ones like this one. Doesn’t this look like the most restful sleep possible? Snuggled up to a dear pal, catching a few rays from Mr. Sunshine… We’ve all been battling the same nasty cold again so we’ve all been taking lots of naps. I highly recommend them, especially in a sunny spot, like maybe a back porch swing.

So are you a New Year’s resolution kind of person? Any resolutions you want to share? Tell me your best ones…
More pretty pictures of clouds and things like that, and more naps, sound like great resolutions to me. I'm not a photographer, but I was thinking that finding something beautiful each day to photograph would be inspiring.
I'm not a resoluter, but I'm willing to be convinced. Like the blog. Will be back.
very pretty photos. i saw a great sunset the other day along our big drive home from ct to va. clear night, couldsee the whole spectrum rising into the sky with a thin pink crescent moon and venus oh so bright!
Snoozing Sweet Sarah - Love it! Naps are a good thing and so are photos -
After seeing your beautiful child nap so peacefully, I'm adding 'napping' on things I'm going to do more of in 2009 as well!
I definitely think you should take your camera and new lens where ever you go-the sunset is magical!
She is so sweet, all goodness to her and her sweet face! My resolution is to be less critical this year. So far its working out and my days are more content. Yay! Thank you for visiting my blog, your comment made me smile :)
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