Friday, February 20, 2009

Humming John Lennon

The girls and I lay down and stared at the moon and the stars last night, all cuddled up like three little ladybugs, telling stories. We weren’t outside. No, we were laying in Sarah’s bed, staring up at this particular moon and stars you see here. Aren’t they fabulous? Not the best picture, but the best I could do laying on Sarah's bed shooting up! This now covers our attic access, which just so happens to be in the girls’ room, courtesy of my friend Gypsy who came for a visit earlier this week. Gypsy, her apprentice Michelle, and I spent two days doing some painting, having some heart-to-hearts and enjoying a sunny Florida afternoon in Fernandina Beach gallery hopping and scarfing down some awesome barbeque at the Happy Tomato Café (highly recommended if you are ever in Fernandina!). Gypsy’s visit was definitely food for the soul for me.

Gypsy (otherwise known as Lizz Hundley) is a wonderfully free spirit, making her way in the world while living life to the fullest each and every moment. I’ve been trying to do that more lately, too. I got good news from the surgeon Monday, so I’m going to be fine for now. Dr. H met with the radiologist and pathologist again and decided that sometimes radiologists and pathologists are a little too quick to recommend further surgery in cases like mine. He wants to wait a bit and re-evaluate in six months. I’m glad Dr. S sent me for that surgery consult as a second opinion.

These past few weeks have made me slow down a bit, though, and I think that’s good. Between this little health scare and learning of Bill’s death at the ripe old age of 39, I’ve definitely taken a step back from my usual going in eight different directions. In late January, the gals over at Creative Construction invented what we called the “February Finish-A-Thon”. Not that I needed to add another thing to my plate, but I went ahead and signed on anyway with the goal of creating a new affordably priced pendant line in preparation for the kickoff of the Riverside Arts Market April 4. Well, today’s February 20 and I haven’t made a one. Heck, I haven’t even gotten around to photographing all the new pieces I finished in November and December! My workshop has been sorely neglected. But I’ve decided that that’s really okay. Because what I have been doing instead? Just hanging out…and I’ve really been needing to just hang out. I’ve been hanging out with DH and the girls…hanging out on the dock looking at the river… hanging out with my furry four-legged friends…hanging out with all the art currently leaning against the walls of my great room waiting for me to rehang it all…hanging out with my students on Facebook (kinda fun that I had to learn Facebook for work). I’ve been moving at a snail’s pace, and it’s been nice.

As part of the February Finish-A-Thon, we’ve been keeping a running comments list going with each of us posting how we are doing on our goals. Obviously, since I’ve made zero progress, I haven’t had much news to post, but I’ve tried to be encouraging to everyone else. I have noticed one thing coming through though. This is truly an incredible group of women, and from my prospective anyway, I think we all have “superwoman disease”. We think we can do it all, and we get frustrated with ourselves, our self-imposed deadlines, and our self-inflicted failures and misgivings when life gets in the way. I refuse to do that anymore. Life should not be what gets in the way. Life should be what it’s all about. It should be about taking a few days off to spend time with a good friend and go chow down on some barbeque. It should be about making up stories about the things we see in a whimsical painting of the moon and stars while cuddling up with our children. It should be about creating simply for creating’s sake, not for a deadline hanging over our heads. Sure, sometimes deadlines are necessary, but for me that takes all the joy out of creating. It becomes a “I must do this to meet my deadline” instead of a “Hey, I wanna try that just for fun”. There’s been some good wisdom in the comments too, all from different viewpoints, but something Kristine said has struck the biggest chord with me. She said, “So I’m taking a step back and giving myself a break. I’m taking pleasure in my daily accomplishments and no longer obsessing over what I need to accomplish by the end of the month. It’s a journey, not a sprint.” Yep, it is a journey, not a sprint. Remember the John Lennon quote I shared with you last week? It bears repeating: “Life is what happens to you while you’re too busy making other plans.” And life in general is the best part of the journey. Don’t let it be what gets in the way; make it what counts most instead. Go live it.


Regina said...

thanks for another thoughtful post.
I'm so delighted that you got good news with the doctor. And HOW FUN is the painting? What a gift.

Gypsy Hundley said...

Well said my friend! I think that when we have no control over God's decisions...we as human's can get trapped mentally, in some dark places. He always has his plan set. It's just a matter of time before the garden begins to grow full of color and scent once again. We all need to just hang in there! xoxo

Anonymous said...

Kelly I love Gypsy's work...well havent we from the moment we met her at that horrible show! :-) I think we came back with more stuff in the van than we left home with!

I love the painting...the more I stared at it the more I saw...the lips are a heart...and if you look at the swirls coming out of its mouth they kinda look like a "W"....I love how the stars arent perfect...anyway....I always love reading your are the wizard...and a mom to more people than you think! :-) I just wish I had red ringlets!


Cristi Baxter Clothier said...

Hi Kelly! I just nominated you for a "Spreader of the Love" award. See my current blog post for details. Thanks!

Campbell Jane said...

I love the painting! The staircase is eye candy too. I'm so happy that you had good news and that you are hanging out, taking time out for yourself and enjoying what matters most, those cuddly times.
God Bless