Monday, March 16, 2009

Starting Anew

I put a new quilt on the bed Sunday…partly due to our ongoing redecorating project, partly due to the fact that the previous one had seen better days and a new paint job just deserves a new quilt, don’t you think? This is no easy task, mind you. DH is VERY particular about what goes on the bed. Most things he really doesn’t care about, but when it comes to sleeping, he’s got something to say! It’s not necessarily the “look” for him as much as it is the “feel”. It has to “feel” right…his way of saying he hates comforters and duvet covers and only likes quilts and spreads. Have you perused the quilt and spread offerings of your neighborhood stores recently? Tons of lovely comforters and duvet covers, but quilts and spreads? Not exactly a Happy Shack feel to them, shall we say. I finally found a winner with this quilt from The Company Store.

Something about putting a new quilt or comforter or duvet cover on the bed, isn’t there? For me, it’s always been more than just an out with the old, in with the new bed linens thing. Maybe it’s replacing the old with the new at the start of spring that gets me thinking of feeling anew. I’ve definitely felt reinvigorated over the past week or so, and I know at least here in these parts (sorry Karen in PA!), this fabulous spring weather definitely puts a spring in your step. I’ll have lots of new things to share with you soon! How’s Spring treating you?


Karen Faulkner said...

I like the patterns they have at The Company Store. It's chilly here in PA today, but at least you can feel the difference that warmer weather is on the way (maybe 60 on Wednesday!) I've also been in changing-linens (tablecloths and placemats too) mode the last couple of days, it makes things seem all freshened up.

Carmen said...

GORGEOUS quilt!!! So inviting. I'd never want to get out of bed.