“It will be gone before you know it. The fingerprints on the wall appear higher and higher. Then suddenly they disappear.” Dorothy Evslin

Isn’t that such a lovely quote? And so true. I stumbled across it on a friend’s Facebook page. The girls and I created some memories yesterday afternoon, the fun side to a flooded backyard. I was this close (holding up fingers an inch apart) to jumping in with them, jeans and all, and then decided I’d stick to camera in hand.
When Mom, Kim and I first moved to the Jacksonville area, we lived in the Spring Creek apartments, 1909 Wells Road, Apt 212. Funny how some addresses stick with you. That complex is now the Target and Home Depot on the corner of Wells and Blanding in Orange Park across from the mall. It was probably bull-dozed because it constantly flooded, but for us kids, that’s where the fun came in! When it rained, the playground became skim-board central, and those times were in jeans and all. All the kids from the complex would come out in full force, and we’d have a blast...dirty, muddy, and drenched...but those are the moments you remember.
I hope the girls remember these... I think the purchase of a skim board is in order. ;-) If you’d like to see the rest of these pictures, you can view them here. I got some great shots!
how fun! i remember a hurricane, when we lived in the beach zone of my home town as a little 'un, flooding the whole area. we loved dancing, splashing through the over the spillover...i think that's why my parents moved to the high and dry zone.
i'm so glad that your girls had fun in all of this rain...it looks like they had a blast! you really did get some great shots, kelly! :)
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