Thursday, June 4, 2009

Graduation? Can't Be!

My girls last day of kindergarten is tomorrow. Tomorrow! Can’t be! I can’t believe my girls are soon to be six and going into first grade. So did you get cap and gown pictures when you “graduated” from kindergarten? I sure didn’t! How cool is that!? Though these grins, especially Sarah’s, speak of the “Say Cheese!” variety, when Sarah showed me her picture her biggest concern was that they flattened and covered up her curls. Ah, the vanity of a little diva. Livvie’s been developing her trademark camera smile; she’s quite the ham.

I’ve been reading a lot of Artful Blogging lately and thought about what I would write if I ever submitted an article to them…the whole “why do you blog?” story…and I realized one of the main reasons I blog is for my girls. Sure, this little ole blog is a great way to share my own artistic endeavors, but as you can see, I also tend to ramble on about my girls. I’ve mentioned here before that I never had the opportunity to learn about what my mom’s life was like when I was a kid. My fault I guess that I never thought to ask while I had the opportunity. I want my girls to remember what our lives were like when they were growing up, so really, what better way than to record little snippets of it for them in writing? I came across a website, Blurb, which will turn your blog into a book. I think that is just a fantabulous idea….you can pick and choose which posts you want to include to customize the book to your liking. Isn’t that just the coolest thing? Blurb, you are in my future.


Karen Faulkner said...

Oh wow, I love that blog-to-book idea.
Adorable graduation pics, congrats to the girls!

cath c said...

me, too, blog to book...very cool.

congratulations, big girls! 1st graders now! wow!

Robin in Las Vegas said...

Its an excellent idea! And a perfect solution to make your blog stand up to the test of time. Congrats to the girls and to their mom :)