Here’s another spread from the art journal I’ve been working on. I must admit I still haven’t actually written anything in it yet. I think I’ve decided to get the whole thing done art-wise first and then go back and to the journaling part. It’s starting to take shape in my head, and I think it’ll most likely be done in a “notes to a friend” type fashion. That’s how I’ve tended to “journal” in the past…long letters to friends, sometimes mailed, sometimes not.

Things are getting busier than normal for me with the start of Fall term coming on Monday. In addition to my Student Life role during the day, I’m teaching two classes on Tuesday evenings, one English Composition and one Student Life Skills. I’m teaching them both in a hybrid format (half in-class, half on-line), the English from 5:00pm-6:30pm and the SLS from 7:00pm-8:30pm, so that’s the new learning curve for me. I’ve never taught hybrid courses before. Since I can teach in two areas, the idea behind that scheduling was to give evening students an opportunity to take two classes on the same night….but both of my classes are full and I don’t have anyone who’s taking both! Oh well, we tried. Maybe it’ll catch on better next time. I was writing up my journaling prompts for my English class this afternoon and I kept thinking about my art journal, but, alas, I guess I can’t assign them visual art assignments in an English class.
Hey, you technically have the word "explore" on one them. That counts for journaling! :)
These are quite stunning...
If there is anything I can do to help...Let me know! :-)
I wish I would have had you for an English Comp teacher...
you could give them journal assigments and do them along with...
These pages are beautiful!!! My journal is a messy wreck. haha
For some reason every time, (about 4 now) I follow your blog, I start wondering what you're up to, don't see you in my list & find out you're not there. Hopefully this time it will stick.
Have a great day
Your journal pages are beautiful. I found you via the yahoo group for an Artful Journey. I'm attending the retreat next year and taking Kelly Rae and Mati Rose's class.
I spent a summer in FL about 15 years ago working at a summer camp in De Leon Springs. One of my favourite places in the world.
Look forward to meeting you next year.
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