I’ve been very good about deleting all the emails I get from my suppliers before I even open them because I need more beads like I need a hole in my head, but the latest from one of my favorites tempted me just a little too strongly. And yep, I gave in. I don’t usually work much in opaque stones and I’m not even sure exactly what I’m going to do with these beauties, but I couldn’t resist them. They’re all mixed turquoise. I got a couple strands of the standard blue turquoise as well, which is what first caught my eye, but these colors definitely screamed “Happy!” to me. What would you like to see me do with them?

I don't know what you should make with these, but they are awesome! I had no idea turqoise came in these colors. The first thought that popped into my head was "I NEED those beads!"
I'll explain it this way: I'm a Capricorn, born on the tackiest of tacky days (and I mean that in a happy, festive way) December 24th. (These beads kind of look like gift wrap to me or visions of sugar plums or candy in a Christmas stocking). And even though I'm a Capricorn, astrologically, my moon and my venus are both in Aquarius, so I come across (at least in my own mind) as Whistler's Mother on a Unicycle. If Whistler's Mother owned a unicycle, she'd also own a pair of festive, dangly ear rings, that look like bubble gum ice cream don't you think? :-P
Hopefully that will set you off on a creative tangent. LOL I've been feeding off your mojo lately, maybe you can feed off mine. :-)
Not much help, but maybe that will get your mind going...
OMG - what beautiful beads - love the colors - I bet they would look sweet in earrings or something - can't wait to see what you make!!!
brittany, your comment cracked me up. thanks for the morning laugh. :-)
and thanks Ellie!
another capi here to love them. the second type remind me of a bubblegum in a packet i used to get as a kid, like minichicklets but pebbly. can't recall the name..i bet any of these would be nice accents with a rose quartz or jade transculent type stone. i'm seeing dangly earrings.
i have a bunch of aquarius in my chart, too brittany! little different placement...ascendant, i think
yummy beads. enjoyed reading the comments here.
i look forward to seeing what you do with these lovelies.
Oh and duh--forgot to mention that turqoise is the birth stone for people born in December (Caps and Sags)--the whole purpose of that I need these, they aren't as staid and boring as normal turqoise.
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