Wednesday, September 15, 2010

21 Secrets Preview

I’ve pretty much been stuck at home since Saturday when I pulled my back. I went to the doc Monday morning and was informed I have an acute lumbar sprain and need to stay off my feet for about a week. Seriously? Me? The girl who can’t sit still!? Come on! Against doctor’s orders, I worked half the day yesterday since we had a big event going on, our annual Student/Admin Ice Cream Social and Club Day. Sure, my staff would have been fine without me, but I just felt responsible, ya know? I tried going in today, but by the time I got half way there, I realized I probably shouldn’t be driving, since to add to the back pain this morning, I had a dizzy while trying to get up. I made it to the office, signed some paperwork I needed to sign, made sure my staff was set for the day and then came back home and laid down. And slept four hours! That’s what a pain pill and a muscle relaxer will do for you, I guess. I’m fine as long as I sit still, so I’ve been able to get a lot of photo editing done since I got up from my nap.

Yesterday I told you about 21 Secrets, the online class I’ll be contributing to. The girls and I are very excited! Last night, I finished the rough draft of the class I’m teaching and sent it over to Connie for some feedback, but I thought I’d share one of the journal pages I created as one of the samples for the class. Can you tell I like pink? In the class, I walk you through what I did here step-by-step.

See that 21 Secrets button over there on the right? Yeah, that one! See that “Click here to view more details” below it? That’s where you’ll click to go to the registration page and register on Monday! Connie graciously set up all the contributing artists as affiliates so we actually get credit for all of our lovely friends and blog readers who register for the class following our link. So I hope you’ll consider joining us! You can click the link now to read about what’s in store, and then starting on Monday, you’ll be able to register for the class through my link. Don’t worry! I’ll remind you! I’m excited to see what all the other instructors will be sharing!


lori vliegen said...

oh my goodness....staying off your feet for a week?! yikes, kelly!! i hope you're feeling better soon, girlfriend!! now i'm off to read more about your 21 secrets.....congrats on your new class!! xox, :))

Gina Lee Kim said...

Kelly, oh no! do need to stay off your feet but a week sounds totally impossible. Please take good care of yourself! Hire sherpas to help you carry stuff around the house. And like Lori, I'm off to bookmark the 21 secrets registration site! Can't wait!

chrissy said...

you ooze creativity and yes my dear...even in mixed media! i am clicking over right now to read about the class...i love secrets!
love the girls hands below too.
hope your back feels better...i have back problems and IT IS NOT FUN!

Anonymous said...

Oh drats! Back issues are a total bummer. And listening to your body and your doctor don't help when things need to be done NOW. Don't they understand?!? LOL!

Hope you feel better soon, Kelly :)

Emma said...

Oh poor you! Try to keep a little still ;)

Just catching up so congrats on your Rusty Cars new home & love the colors in the Secrets pic.

Becca said...

Take care of yourself Kelly!

Kerri said...

oh yuck- i'm so sorry about your back and the drs orders! hope the time goes fast and your back in action very soon! :) take care-

Kelly Warren said...

thanks for all the well wishes, guys! and i'm so excited about 21 secrets! i just sent my final workshop over to Connie today. Registration starts Monday!

Kelly Warren said...

And just a reminder, if you plan to register for 21 Secrets, please register through me if you can! use the link that says "Click HERE for more details" on top of my right column!

Karen Faulkner said...

I love the journal page! Feel better soon.

Emma said...

I hope you're feeling better!

This page is beautiful!