I received a package in the mail today from my sweet friend Davielle Huffman, whom I met at Artful Journey back in February. I adore you, Davi! In the package was Patti Digh’s new book Creative is a Verb. It’s illustrated with original art from around the world, all submitted by Patti’s readers. Davi had shared on her Facebook page a while back that some of her art was included in the book, and I jokingly told her I wanted an autographed copy. Little did I know that she would do just that! Signed by both Patti and Davi! I must not have remembered Davi’s Facebook post because when I opened the book to the page she had marked, there was her art, a lovely mixed-media piece of a red truck pulling an Airstream trailer down a country road. Patti’s essay included with the piece is called “Drive an Airstream Trailer” and begins with “I don’t long for much. But I long for an Airstream.”

I showed the book, Davi’s art, and Patti’s accompanying essay to DH when he got home this afternoon and said, “See!!! We are meant to have an Airstream!!!” He couldn’t doubt the synchronicity of it all (ooh…big word…), and we’ve been on the computer all afternoon searching Airstreams and trucks. We found a few potential Airstreams on Craigslist and got a good feel for what a decent used heavy duty truck would cost us. Given some potential life changes that may be coming soon, we aren’t immediately jumping, but the hunt has certainly begun, and we are looking at how to make it happen.
So on this Thanksgiving eve, what am I thankful for? In addition to my DH who tolerates all my crazy schemes like flower-painted Airstreams, my two little redheads who bring me more joy than I ever thought imaginable, and my scattered and small but equally special family, I’m thankful for sweet new friends like Davi. I am blessed with a wonderful circle of close friends that I’ve known for years and years….friends I’ve had since middle school, high school, and college, and though I may not see them every day, I know that I can pick up the phone and, boom, here they’ll be. And now, through this amazing blogging world, I’ve met so many wonderful new friends. Some, like fellow writers/artists/moms Cathy, Miranda, Robin, e. beck, Aimee and Brittany (my Studio Mothers crew!), feel like sisters, even though I’ve only met one of them in person. Others, like fellow artists Davi, Chrissy, Wyanne, Leah, Roben-Marie, Gwynnie, and Martha, I’ve been blessed to spend time with and feel like I’ve found my kindred spirits; Martha and Wyanne are even right here in North Florida. And there are more I’ve found here in North Florida and South Georgia that I look forward to meeting someday soon (Lori, when are we going to meet for lunch!?!?). And there are so many more of you out there that I'd love to meet in person one day.
I think we grow exponentially by the people that cross our paths. Old friends are the salt of the earth; they knew us then, and they know us now, and the person we were then may be very different from the person we are now, yet the true old friends still love us just the same. I know I’m not the same person I was 20 years ago; heck, I’m not even the same person I was five years ago! New friends enrich our lives by bringing new perspectives, new encouragements, and new bonds that, though maybe spread all over the world, feel like a warm blanket when you need one. So tonight, I’m thankful for all of you out there who take the time to stop by here and visit me. I’m blessed to know you, and through your words and your art and your friendships, I’ve gained immeasurably.
Oh my, a flower painted airstream would be a dream!!!!! How fun!! If you get one let me know because I want to come over and paint a flower on it!
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Ahhh Kelly! So thankful to have gotten to know you! Oh, an airstream would be awesome. I know you'd have so much fun with that! Happy Thanksgiving!!
thank you, kelly!!!! so grateful to you, too!
i have been talking about travelling crosscountry with the boys for years! let's keep the faith that we will all get to do that!
Happy Thanksgiving Kelly!
I LOVE your dream of an Airstream! My family thinks I'm nuts because I love them too! The kids will settle for a tricked out RV - and one of these summers we are going to rent one and hit the road and tour the US!!! That is my dream:)
And I am with you on the salt of the earth old friends:)
Thank you for the lovely mention. I too have been inspired and fortified by our friendship.
I love your idea of a flowered covered airstream. Someday I want to see it because I know you'll make it happen!
and happy thanksgiving ...
You are so sweet, Kelly and thanks so much! You are an inspiration and I am blessed to know you! Happy Thanksgiving!! RM :)
Kelly, very very COOL to be included in your support list. I can't even begin to tell you how truly grateful I have been for you and the Studio Mothers' girls.
thank YOU kelly! right back at you! xo, aimee
Kelly, I knew the moment I saw you with your camera in hand at AAJ with a room across from me that you were a kindred soul. And then that thing about English we have? Sealed the deal, sistah!
Can't wait to see you again soon, and all of our other retreat sistahs in February.
Plus, we share birthdays within a week of each other, so our zodiac signs are keeping us connected! Sending you many birthday wishes and kisses for a fabulous day :) And thank you much for your sweet comments regarding my b-day and sparkles!
P.S. And I can totally see you in a tricked out Airstream loaded with painted flowers and art supplies! Love this story, and I know you'll be cruising down the road soon...
sweet, adorable, talented Kelly: thank you, thank you. what a delightful blog post. I, too, have always wanted an Airstream, but more just to have it and hang out in it - not so much to drive all over the country. but now I'm inspired! I love your dream, and if you and DH get one, YOU HAVE TO COME TO SAN DIEGO. :-) and you must must must go to Patti's blog and let her know you blogged about her book, etc. I LOVE YOU !!! Davi
SO funny, I saw an Airstream for sale driving down Blanding Blvd this weekend and thought of you! May your dream come true!
Hugs, Kelly. Thank you for this. I know we'll meet in the not-too-distant future. Until then, our cyber-sisterhood means the world to me. xo
What a beautiful post...I love how honest and pure your gratitude shines. And I'm excited for you...that you might someday have a happy, moving and grooving shack as well.
i hope you had a beautiful Thanksgiving, sweet kelly!!! and any time you want to go to lunch, just let me know when you'll be by to pick me up in that flower painted airstream!!!! xoxox, :))
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