Monday, May 16, 2011

Mix It Up Monday: Catching my Breath!

Happy Monday! Things around here are, thankfully, finally starting to slow down! We had a great time at Mermaids and Mamas Artful Adventure this weekend, and now I need to catch up on some sleep! I’ll share pictures later in the week.

I so look forward to summer term at work. Things slow down for me, Commencement is over, and I finally have time to breathe, write year end reports and start planning for Fall term. That cycle never ends, but at least during the summer, we don’t do any lecture or music programming due to lack of budget and lack of traffic. This summer term seems to be even slower than others, possibly due to the lack of Pell grants available this summer. I still teach one class during the summer, but even that feels a bit more laid back than my fall and spring term classes. And I have Fridays off! That’s the best part of summer term. :-)

I have lots of catching up to do at home as well. My studio is an absolute disaster thanks to my frenzied Mermaids and Mamas prep. I can’t really even walk in there without stepping on or over something! I was so dead dog tired when we got home yesterday afternoon that I just let it stay that way for now. DH was kind enough to unload my van for me and just piled all my bins in the garage until I could get to them. Best not to have cans of spray paint sitting in a hot van all day! I also have a gazillion photos I need to edit and post and have several new jewelry pieces I haven’t listed yet. The piece you see here is one of my new pieces called Peach Blossom. Again, I’m really loving incorporating vintage lucite pieces into my bling bracelets. I love the extra texture they add. Looking forward to hopping around and catching up on what you’ve been up to now that I have a little more time!


Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly~

It seems like we were just chatting about the Mermaids, and now it's over! So glad it went well and can't wait to see the photos and read more about it. (My man unloads the suv for me after a show and I'm always ever so grateful he does.)

Love your new peachy pretty! Makes my mouth water for some tree ripened goodness :)

Happy summer to you, dahling!

Kerri said...

love that bracelet! or necklace? all those different beads. i just went to a couple of bead stores the other day and bought some pretty assorted glass beads to do something similar. beautiful inspiration.

and yuck- i'm sorry your tank is even larger. i drive a mini, so mine is small. and i get good mileage thank god- so i only fill up once every 2 weeks if i'm really careful. ;)

tami said...

SO happy your mermaids and mamas went well! There is nothing like the kind of tired after you have accomplished so wonderful. Enjoy your summer - it does seem so much calmer on campus with that 4 day week : )

lori vliegen said...

so glad your schedule is slowing down enough for you to catch your breath......and maybe sleep for a couple of weeks!! enjoy your newfound free time.....and keep having fun making those gorgeous bracelets!! xox

Mail Art Dramas said...

enjoy your slow season. nice bling!

Becky Shander said...

Your Peach Blossom bracelet is pretty dazzling, and the coral-colored accents have just the right punch (makes me think of a peach pit.)