Monday, September 5, 2011

Indian Summers and Summer Memories...

Indian Summer earrings

Benny and I are long-time fans of CBS’ Sunday Morning, and watching that show every now and then is a treasured Sunday morning, laying-around-in-your-pj’s activity around here. This morning Charles Osgood reminded us that Labor Weekend figuratively symbolizes the end of summer. And I guess while it may mean the kids are back in school, it’s certainly not the end of summer here in Florida. Ours runs through, oh, sometimes November! But I’m not complaining; I’m a Florida girl through and through.

This weekend, in between being lazy with the family watching Looney Tunes cartoon marathons, I’ve been working on updating my website and my Etsy shop with the pieces I’ve been working on for my fall shows, like these Indian Summer earrings. As I mentioned back in this post, I’ve cut back on my shows quite a bit this year. This fall, I’m only set for two right now! I may pop in a couple Riverside Arts Market days here and there, but I’m only on the road for arts festivals twice this fall, late September in Deland and early November in Daytona. In between, I'm looking forward to some family time and a little bit of Florida State football squeezed in around work travel.

So as we sort of say goodbye to summer on this long holiday weekend, what’s been your favorite summer memory this summer? Mine happened just a couple weeks ago with our annual visit to Aunt Livy.


Anonymous said...

Of course we both love sweet Charles Osgood! My dad passed this Sunday morning tradition on to me so I never miss an episode.

And "ya'll" is part of my vocabulary! My gramma was from the Ozarks in Arkansas so I grew up with her southern talk. My students loved it when I spoke "funny" :) Wish I had "pea pickin' heart" to use!!

Hope your summer doesn't stay too hot. And love your Indian Summer earrings. Divine colors!!


Emma said...

Lovely green drops I love your gorgeous purple car, too!

What beautiful girls you have. I tend to sit thru vampire,comedy or car chase movies with my boys but, oh, it's worth every minute to be with them! Thaks for your words of encouragement :)