Monday, October 10, 2011

Mix it Up Monday: Dandelion Wishes

Dandelion Wishes

We've had a rainy, dreary weekend here in North Florida, with a good old-fashioned, hard-rain packin' nor'easter bearing down on us all weekend. Benny and the girls and I were able to catch up on lots of "inside" projects and just be lazy. We watched The Lion King at least four times since we finally picked up the new DVD and the girls had never seen it before.  Love that movie.

I got some new jewelry made and did some photo editing. This picture is one from my trip up to see my sister in the DC area back in April over Easter weekend. I've titled it Dandelion Wishes. Later this week, I'll show you what Olivia did to this lovely little dandelion. :-)

How was your weekend?


urban muser said...

i love the lion king! sometimes a rainy day is just what you need to get things done.

lori vliegen said...

you always take the most stunning photos!! my goodness, that green background makes my mouth water.....gorgeous!!

so glad the sun has finally emerged from behind the clouds (although four rounds of lion king sounds like a lot of rainy-day fun!!!)! xoxox

Emma said...

Thanks, I love making a big background then getting smaller & smaller turning them into cards. Love the books you & your girsls have been making.