Saturday, December 24, 2011

Notes to Santa...

Note to Santa Sarah 2011

The girls wrote their notes to Santa earlier this week, and they've been taped to the door ever since. I couldn't get a good picture of them on the door because of the glass, so I gently took them down and laid them on the porch for these shots. Aw, the innocence of childhood. I so hope they still believe for years to come. And I can say that I've had a little talk with Santa, and his elves have created two little Sarah and Olivia look alike American Girl dolls. :-)

Note to Santa Olivia 2011

Here in our home, we celebrate Christmas as the birth of Christ, so Merry Christmas to you, in whatever way you and your family celebrate the day.

Christmas 2011

1 comment:

Kristin Dudish said...

This post makes me smile from ear to ear - What wonderful notes to Santa! I'm so glad to hear that you had a talk with him and the girls will be getting their American Girl dolls! Hooray! (I bet they were thrilled!)

Your family photo is wonderful - it is so bright and cheery :)

I hope you are continuing to have a wonderful holiday season...

