Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Christmas Morning Sprinklers

365 Days Project - Jan 4

After opening gifts on Christmas morning (and then waiting for the sun to come up...) our tradition is to eat a quick breakfast and then take the dogs to the beach. Usually we go to Big Talbot Island, but the weather and tides did not cooperate with that this year. We had a bit of rain and were at a high tide when we needed to get out there (so that I could get on the road for my surprise visit to Aunt Livy!), so that beach was underwater. Not to be defeated in our goal, we snuck in the north end of Little Talbot and took our chances battling a few raindrops. I kept my camera put away for most of the visit, but I did catch a few shots of the fam playing on the rocks. In this particular image, they are the "doing the sprinkler." How my eight year olds know about "the sprinkler" I've yet to figure out. They blame Just Dance!

Of course my husband's fondest Christmas morning beach visit was the Year of the Drive By (said with much sarcasm) a few years before the girls were born. You see the "drive by" was carried out by Toby, one of our many dogs. We'd just had a nice run down on the beach and came back up to the parking area about the same time some poor unsuspecting man dare come out of the pot-a-let. Toby darted that way and took a nip at his jeans without slowing down or missing a step. He never bit the guy, just scared the heck out of him in that one drive by moment. Then Toby headed off down the road with his typical "come on, guys, I was just funnin'" look. Oh, and I guess I should confess I stole Toby from a family that was abusing him (and that's a whole other story). So call me a thief who stole a dog who did a drive by. Classic. Click here for all my Project 365 photos!

1 comment:

Carole Kurth said...

Hi, just found you...I know the drive-by story is a couple days old, but it cracked me up! Thanks! Loved your family doing the 'sprinkler,' too!