Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Project 365: January 18-24


January 18: Sunrise over Heckscher Drive at Brown's Creek, taken from the parking lot of Chowder Ted's (in my pajamas...)


January 19: Power lines on Heckscher Drive at Blount Island entrance. I am very often stopped at this spot due to train crossings...which are an ongoing joke on my Facebook page.


January 20: We had a lovely day playing in the backyard...Olivia...


January 20 bonus shot: ...and Sarah


January 21: I had a book arts group meeting at the Island Art Association in Fernandina Saturday. This is a piece of the mosaic wall on the side of the gallery. The Island Art Association gallery is a must visit!


January 22: This is my "Mama needs a break to go sit and think and breathe" spot, right where Fort George Inlet reaches the Atlantic Ocean. It's thankfully only eight minutes from my house!


January 23: The tree from which last week's red heart leaf fell from. Even in the midst of changing colors and shedding its leaves, it's already shooting out new buds.


January 24: Did a little scouting with a friend during lunch today. I knew I needed a "big guy" to go with me, since this building, Public School No. 4, also known as the Annie Lytle School, can be a bit spooky and inhabited by things you might not want to come across, so I asked my friend and student Chris Lamm to go with me and give me a guided tour (knowing Chris as well as I do, I knew he'd probably been in many times...probably at night...). We couldn't get in since it was just freshly boarded up after the fire last week, and I was not appropriately dressed to do some climbing, but we're making a second attempt soon... Because as my photo below captures so well...


And no, Chris, I'm still not going  in the basement... :-)  Here's a little history on P.S. 4. I've been wanting to investigate for years (so yes, you are correct, I am not above trespassing in a creepy, haunted, old abandoned building in the name of a good photograph).

Thanks for checking out this week's shots! Click here for other Project 365 photos.


angie fraley said...

Oh Kelly,

The photos are AMAZING. Great job on capturing the stuff of life!

Kelly Warren said...

Thanks Angie!

Lisa Graham said...

"We Want In" Hilarious! Is that YOUR artwork? Ha ha.

Great pictures and kind of a tour of your life. I enjoyed it! Your girls are lovely! Thanks for the peek into your corner of the world!

Kelly Warren said...

Thanks Lisa! No the "We Want In" is not my work! There had been a fire just four days before Chris and I went over and after the fire, the city put up fresh plywood to cover the entrances. That was just one of the many graffiti artists who like to frequent the building expressing his sentiments. The graffiti is one of the reasons I want to go in. Thanks for stopping in!

cath c said...

love this!! great shots! so florida sun bright!