Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Sketchbook Project Fun Journal: Day 18

Spread 18 of my Sketchbook Project Fun Journal

Happy Tuesday!  Oh, how the days they pass! At long last, I finally got around to a few more pages in my long forgotten Sketchbook Project Fun Journal.  This is spread 18, a hot mess.  A while back the girls and I played around with some coffee filters, and when we were working on this page, I put one in. Pretty cool how it just melts into the page. It's actually the largest circle.  This page seems a bit dark and space-agey to me, but for some reason, I really love my little tree at the bottom. Subconsciously, I must have added it in there to bring the page a little more life. I have a couple more spreads of this book to share over the next two weeks, and then I do believe I'll call this one done.

One of my goals for this year has been to work through all the online classes I've signed up for over the past two years!  Thankfully, I know thyself well, so I only sign up for classes that are open ended; otherwise I'll just be wasting my dollars.  There are just so many wonderful classes out there that I see them and squeal "Oh!  I want to do that!" and immediately sign up. And then the reality of my day-to-day schedule kicks in, and I think "Now, when am I going to find the time to do this?" :-)  I just signed up for Donna Downey's Canvas Create this weekend. I really enjoy watching her Inspiration Wednesday videos, so I figured I'd enjoy a longer version.  Thankfully it's also open ended!

And yesterday, Kim Klassen's Beyond Layer's began. This one I think I'll be able to keep up with since I think it aligns well with my Project 365.  There is a bit of logic to my craziness, anyway.  Of course, these two classes are only the tip of the iceberg...


angie fraley said...

I actually love the colors in the background. Reminds me of a sunset. I also use coffee filters ALOT! I actually use them as tracing paper. :)

Regina said...

Cool spread. Love all the circles. My poor journal is neglected, too.
I'm taking Kim's class too. So excited!

Marjanne said...

I know what you mean with the online classes! I've seen a lot of fun new ones lately, but I made it my goal first to finish the ones I already registered for - in the last few years.... I hope I'll keep strong :-)

Davielle aka Princess Magpie said...

Kelly, aside from the obvious separated-by-a-decade-or-two factor, I think we're twin daughters of different mothers. LOL. I sign up for on-line classes, too, and have often made the mistake of paying for those that have a limited availability online. WOE IS ME, I've wasted some $$ on those. Like you, I'm learning my limits (I just wish it hadn't cost me so much to "get it".) Have fun with your new class, post photos of things you do so we can Ooh and Aah over your work - and remember - you're fabulous! xo - davi

Lisa Graham said...

You probably like that tree in the corner because you like the outdoors so much. Don't worry...you will get your walks back when your girls are older...I promise.

I love the description "a hot mess". Good description. This is really fun!

scrapwordsmom said...

I think your page is pretty cool!!

And I am soooo like you...it's hard to take classes that aren't open ended:)

Roberta said...

ha! ha! you and me both sista! I love on-line classes simply because you don't have to pack all of your stuff and you can do it in the comfort of your own home. The problem is when you get too comfortable...lol Looking forward to following your blog this year and watching and supporting your progress. Fondly, Roberta