Monday, January 30, 2012

Sketchbook Project Fun Journal: Day 20 ~ The End!

Day 20

Well, here it final page in the long-suffering Sketchbook Project Fun Journal. As a reminder, I started working in this journal waaaaaaaaaaay back in December of 2010, with the goal of doing a page a day in time to finish and actually submit it to the Sketchbook Project by the January 2011 deadline. Oh well. Such is life. I realized now that it's done, I'd have a hard time setting it free anyway! I have a few empty pages at the end where I'm going to write some notes on what I learned over the 20 pages.

On this page, the bottom half is actually a painted and inked up scrap of deli paper.  I used deli paper as my palette paper or just the paper below whatever I'm working on to protect my table.  I save most of them because they end up with such juicy color on them.  Below is a slide show of the whole book. You can definitely see a difference between my early pages and my later pages!


angie fraley said...

So fun....I think I just might have to try one! Thanks for the inspiration.

Gina Lee Kim said...

CONGRATULATIONS! you did it :) Beautiful share of your pages. Thank you.

Garage said...

Congo,This sketch really wonderful.It's very colorful but look so fabulous.