Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Project 365: February 1-7

February 1: I spent Wednesday and Thursday last week in Tallahassee with my students. Here's some fun Tallahassee graffiti.

February 2: A little more Tallahassee graffiti...

February 3: A day relaxing in downtown Fernandina Beach poking through the art galleries and antique shops. This is the clock tower downtown.

February 4: From a lovely walk in the 100 Acre Wood, a sweet little heart leaf popping up from the middle of the trail. It was actually only about the size of a nickel!

February 5: I spent Sunday editing all my photos from the Amelia Cruizers car show last fall. Glad I finally got to this! I'm really happy with this set! This is a 1955 Studebaker Commander.

February 6: A little daily dose of awesomeness before heading to school Monday morning...

February 7: Just a tad blurry here...this is the red bud tree that just exploded into bloom on campus. These little flowers are about dime size.
That's all for this week? What's your favorite for the week?  Click here for all my Project 365 posts.


angie fraley said...

I love the picture of the Studebaker! Nice pics.

Anonymous said...

I live in the country so I take photos of nature as well.

I also have been to car shows and taken the cars as you have. So nice to see others have same interest. Are they your girls or one of your girls with a friend. Cute on the stairs pose.

I started a blog also. I also like to . What is the saying. We have the Right To WRITE? That is the way I believe.

Kelly Warren said...

Thanks for stopping in Sparkle. And yes, those are my girls, twins!