Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Project 365: February 15-21

This week, I focused my camera on close ups of nature and found that even weeds can be beautiful!

February 15: Some sort of Florida winter weed growing next to my driveway. The whole cluster is about the size of a silver dollar.


February 16: One of my potted daisies that has survived our mild winter, even for Florida standards!


February 17: Another dandelion from my front yard. Obviously we need to do some yard work, but I just can't resist these little guys.


February 18: Another of my daisies that has survived the winter.


February 19: These are the berries on my ligustrim in the front yard. They are about 1/4" each.


February 20: Another bit of weedy beauty from the side of my driveway. These little heads are about the size of a nickel. I endured dozens of gnat bites lying in the grass on my stomach to get this shot.


February 21: The pretty flowers from the dandelion above. My girls picked these for me and left them on our front porch bench to find when I got home from work.


Weekly bonus: The two most beautiful faces in the world (in my book anyway!) for a Daily Dose of Awesomeness.

Thanks for stopping in! View all my Project 365 posts here.


jacqueline said...

Dearest sweet Kelly, these are really beautiful shots!! I love them and they made me smile. :) Happy sunday sweet friend and love to you!

ana said...

what great shots! love love all the colors :) i wish i had the discipline to do a 365 project. hah.

Lisa Graham said...

Great photography and what pretty girls...they always look so happy and like they are just having a blast!

Kelly Warren said...

Thanks Jacqueline, Ana and Lisa!

Ana, I must confess that it's very difficult for me too! That's why I post weekly instead of daily, and some weeks the photos just may not come from that week, but all these did! :-)

promotional umbrellas said...

Wow,This kind of all flowers are look so beautiful.Flowers and plants are increase the beauty in the gardens.Different colors of flowers really attractive look.

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