Saturday, April 28, 2012

Introducing the 10 10 10 Project!

Hi there! So as I've been home bound recovering from knee surgery, I've been working with a few online friends on a very special project....nine other online friends, to be exact, and together we make up the 10 10 10 Project, which is the brainchild of my friend Robin Norgren! The ten of us, all creative business owners, will be sharing our experiences by answering ten different questions. Each of us is hosting one question that each of us will answer on our blogs, and I wrote the question I'm hosting, as it's ever so challenging for me. My question? "The BALANCE question...what does it mean for you and how it is working for you?" Pretty apt for me, huh?

So just a little teaser for now. The project debuts May 1, so be sure to check back in Tuesday for the first answer the BALANCE question. For now, please hop on over to the project blog here, and view the awesome video Robin created about the project above!

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