Tuesday, May 8, 2012

101010 Project Day 6 ~ Sonya McClough

Joining us today for the 101010 Project to answer "The Balance Question: What does it mean for you and how is it working for you?" is Sonya McClough.

A little bit about Sonya: I’m this crazy JESUS loving creative … with 2 children living smack in the middle of Tennessee. The seeds of my creativity were watered with knitting needles, yarn and nine kittens on a rock covered patio in the mid sixties. Today, we hold the fort down with a few less kittens (3) … and thankfully my creative edge remains in tact. I’m often inspired by some odd ball stuff & compelled to create by the sweet whispers of the HOLY Spirit. An idea generator am I. Creative collaboration is a sweet spot with me and many have locked creative hands with me to work on projects like The Bond & Respond Quilt project of 2010, Inspired Studios Magazine & The Creative Biz Marathon. My service to HIM in the body of the church currently is that of Women’s Ministry Coordinator, Southeast Baptist.   

Find Sonya here:
Years in Business: 12
So, Sonya, how do you handle balance? Recently I've decide for myself ... the only balance that truly works is that found in nature. So, I begin, again & again. Cause trying to do it in any other way, has yet to work for me. But, what works better for me is to openly admit to Winter, whenever winter comes. If winter comes in the mist of the heat of summer ... than Winter it is.

Visit the 101010 Project website to view all the participants and all the questions we'll be covering over the next 15 days, and be sure to hop around to all participants' blogs each day since we are each hosting a different question! 

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