Monday, July 2, 2012

What's Your Truth Today?

Boca Grande Seashore

My sweet friend Leanne has started a new series on her blog called "Keeping it Real" where she tells her truths of the week.  I've talked here before how many in blogland tend to keep to the positive, showing only the good, and not the bad and the ugly of their lives.  I'll admit, I do that, but I do that by choice.  I talked a bit about that here before.  I try to keep a positive attitude as much as possible, but I'll give Leanne's "Truth is..." a shot and see what I come up with...good, bad and ugly! 

Truth is....lately, I've simply just wanted to dive into a picture like that above and bury my head in the sea. I took that shot in Boca Grande while we were on vacation, and the week, though rainy, was a very welcome getaway from my workday grind, which truth is, has been very, very, very trying lately.  (Did I say it's been very trying?)

Truth is....I've been thinking a lot about my future and what my options are...and are not...and trying to be realistic even in light of the trying times mentioned above.

Truth is...Knee surgery has not been a "piece of cake" for me like so many others have told me it was for them.  I'm a life long athlete, so I expected my recovery to be easy. It hasn't been. Though I didn't have a full knee replacement, the "scrape and shrink" Doc did under my kneecap along with both medial and lateral meniscus tear repairs have left me with a really fat, ugly knee which, 10 weeks out, is still swollen. 

Truth is....I went for my first long walk yesterday anyway.  Though I had knee pain, it felt really good to get out there again...even though my knee looked like a cantelope by the middle of the day...a really ugly cantelope. 

Truth is....That meant I got to lay on the couch, icing my knee, while I snuggled with my girls watching Hawaii Five-O last night.  That's a good thing.

Truth is...I'm tired of living in a renovation zone, which I'm sure has been adding to my overall stress.  Our kitchen reno started over a month ago...and we still aren't done. I'm so ready to be done.

Truth is...I miss my art.  Trying times at work have meant extra hours and tasks that have made me grumpy and wanting to do nothing more than squeeze my babies when I get home. While squeezing the babies is definitely a good thing, I realize it's those little breaks I take down in my studio that really clear my mind from all the messiness and frustrations I'm dealing with at work.   Hope to get back to that soon.

So what's your truth today?


Stephanie Amos said...

Kelly, I love this truth post. It is so REAL. Thank YOU! I'm going to have to join you girls. ;)
I hope your recovery starts getting better my friend. I empathize with you. I have had 4 ACL knee replacements with last May being the most recent. I'm sure you're tired of hearing how it takes I won't go there, but just know that if you ever need someone to talk to that knows what you're going through, you can count me in! Big Hugs!

Leanne said...

Oh, dear Kelly!! Thank you SO MUCH for joining my "Keeping it Real" revolution! I'm so happy that you did, and I absolutely love your truths! I agree with Stephanie - they are so REAL. Pain and all.

It's funny, I always try to be a positive person and have really tried to write all of my blog posts in a positive manner. I think that even in our "truths", we can still look at the bright sides. Sometimes just sharing your those "real" feelings helps you feel a little less alone - or helps someone who is reading to know that they aren't the only ones feeling what they are feeling. I think the unity of it all is a cool thing. And I am so happy you shared with us this week!

Will be sending positive energy through the screen for that knee of yours. Just recently I've started a new exercise routine, and I am feeling it in my knee. Kind of ignoring it right now (how "true" is that, huh? Oh, I'm bad). Thinking of you often!

Lisa Graham said...

What a pretty photo Kelly. It does good to get it all out one way or another, doesn't it?

I hope your knee heals soon, and that work slows down so you can do art and your kitchen turns out perfect and worth the wait.

Jean said...

Kelly, I appreciate your honesty in sharing your world right now. I've been avoiding my blog lately because I feel like I'm in a negative space right now. Your post is encouraging for me to share a bit of what is going on.

I empathize with you when it comes to knee problems. I had a total knee replacement in January and although I worked at it and it healed fast it gets stiff if I don't keep moving. Do what your dr says and it will get better. Thanks for "keeping it real".