Monday, September 3, 2012

Hanging on to Summer

Trio jump

Labor Day weekend traditionally symbolizes the end of summer and the beginning of Fall in the States. However, here in Florida, Summer easily extends way into October and often even November! We spend much of our free time on the dock and playing in the river, so I thought I'd end Labor Day weekend with a few shots of our playtime. Across the river from us is Blount Island. One end of Blount Island is Jacksonville's main shipping port. The other end, closest to us, is a Marine base. Thanks to the Marines, we have a nice clean shoreline across from us!
Hanging on to Summer

Ever played Monkey Dock? Picture your good old-fashioned monkey bars, but then imagine they are the wood slats of a dock and you are underneath the dock, racing to see who can get to the end, and then swim back around to the ladder on the floating dock first. That, my friends, is how you play Monkey Dock. It's quite the workout, I might add!

swimming girls
And what's a little play in the water without mermaids? Make the best of the last days of your summer.


Shari Sherman said...

Beautiful pics Kelly. I love the fingers peaking up from the dock. May you all enjoy the rest of our Florida summer!

Lisa Graham said...

Not sure if my comment took...I said I love that first photo!!! Happy Extended Summer! Well, I think that's how the first comment went.

cath c said...

lovelovelove the monkey dock photo!

here i am dreaming of snow in muggy va. :)