Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sketchbook Project Fun Journal: Spread 23

Fun Journal 23

Boy, how the time seems to be flying these past few months. It’s honestly all I can do to keep my head above water these days! Finding little snippets of time to just sit back and relax is my latest challenge. How about you?

So I'm catching up on journal pages …. Benny went out of town for a football game Labor Day weekend, so the girlies and I had the house to ourselves all weekend. Friday night we stayed up late watching that great 80’s classic Adventures in Babysitting. I don’t think I’ve seen it since the 80’s! And of course, my girls had never seen it, but they were completely entertained. At one point—and I can’t even remember what started it, but I think it might have been Sarah letting out a good old snort—the three of us went into one of those uncontrollable fits of laughter. You know the kind where you just absolutely can’t stop laughing, and then you are laughing so hard that you actually start crying? Yep, we had one of those that lasted a good 30 minutes. When Livvie looked at me and saw my “laughter tears,” she said, “Mama! You’re crying and laughing at the same time!” and then she burst out laughing again.

Totally uncontrollable laughter. That’s what memories, and this journal page, are made of. I've written "adventures in babysitting" down the left side of the spread and "uncontrollable fits of laughter" down the right. Special memory, and one I hope will stick with my girls till old age. I know it will stick with me. What's one of your favorite "uncontrollable fits of laughter" moments?

You can see other pages in this journal is this Flickr set.

1 comment:

iHanna said...

Beautiful journal page, and beautiful beautiful memorie/story of your and the girls together. Thanks for sharing, those moments are precious!