I was dead-heading my geraniums today when I realized they'd look so pretty all clumped together. When I went inside to grab my camera, flowers in hand, Olivia squealed with delight, so we headed back outside to have a flower dance party.
It was pretty windy so we started to try to shake petals into the wind, but that wasn't working so well. Then we decided to just pull petals off with our hands and toss them into the wind as we danced like crazy girls. What a party that became. Since our porch is quite elevated, our little party was very visible to all the cars driving by on Heckscher Drive (essentially A-1-A). Be we didn't care! It made for a lovely afternoon break.

I'm trying to get better at living more in the moment like this, taking advantage of opportunities like these to make memories with my girls. So often we (um, I) get so caught up in the weekend chores of laundry, cleaning house, and spending far too much time on line, that we often don't take the time to just step outside and throw flower petals into the wind, dancing in their colors. For those of you in the cold north, we do still have plenty of flowers in Florida, so come down for a visit! We'll be happy take a break to do the flower dance with you!
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