Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Moments: Day 10

Mama and baby ducks on campus. #mamaduck #babyduck #ducklings #themomentschallenge

"There is one order of beauty that seems to make heads turn. It is a beauty like that of kittens, or very small downy ducks making gentle rippling noises with their soft bills, or babies just beginning to toddle." ~ T.S. Eliot

We have a lake at the front of campus and quite a large flock of ducks and geese. Since they are fed pretty regularly by both students and staff, they aren't very camera shy. I came across this Mama and babies today. These little ones are so stinkin' cute!

Jump in on Daisy Yellow's The Moments challenge and share a moment from your day every day in October. It's reminding me that photos don't have to be perfect to capture a moment!  


Patricia said...

Soooo CUTE!!! Love seeing things like this! Great photo! (found you via Daisy Yellow, btw!)

Anonymous said...

A picture after my heart -- where there's a special soft spot for ducks of any age, but especially for impossibly cute ducklings like these.

Quiltin' Mama said...

Do you know what kind of Ducks they are? They do not look like ones we have up here. The bies are so very cute!