Monday, October 14, 2013

The Moments: Day 14

The view from my office window. We've had this scaffolding for more than a year now!  Great to have a window, but...  #officeview #scaffolding #themomentschallenge

Not exactly a Best Shot Monday this week, huh!  I'm still participating in Daisy Yellow's The Moments Challenge through October. And since the goal is to capture one of your every day moments, well, this is what I see from my desk at work. Not the loveliest of views since we've had this scaffolding up for about a year now, but at least I have a window!

Jump in on Daisy Yellow's The Moments challenge and share a moment from your day every day in October.

1 comment:

Quiltin' Mama said...

This is a very cool photo, I tried to guess before i read- just what it was? I did not, guess correctly.