Monday, January 12, 2015

Best Shot Monday: Welcome Home Mama

Welcome Home

This sign is what I came home to Friday evening after my longest week in Tallahassee yet.  It was accompanied by a verbal invitation to a tea party, which was all set up and ready to go in Sarah's room. Over a conversation about our week, we enjoyed Goldfish crackers, Skittles and iced water all served in the girls' Alice and Wonderland tea set.  I'm five weeks into my new job, and I'm not gonna lie:  having a job in Tallahassee and a life and family in Jacksonville is quite the challenge.

Up until last week, I've managed to only be away from home two nights each week, driving over Tuesday morning after I get the girls on the bus and starting the drive home Thursday afternoon by 3:30pm in order to make it home for dinner.  Mondays and Fridays, I work from home.  But last week, I had orientation bright and early Wednesday morning, meaning driving over Tuesday, and my first Council of Presidents meeting on Friday, leaving me three nights away. Over our Goldfish and Skittles, the girls told me they both cried after our FaceTime chat Thursday night.  :-(   I've moved into my apartment now, so I'm hopeful things will start to feel as normal as they can until we can all be living under the same roof all week again this summer.  It's funny how when you really want to relish things, timely literally flies by.  But when you want time to fly by, it creeps along like a turtle.

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