Wednesday, April 29, 2015

2015 Documented Life Project: Weeks 9-12

Since life is a bit crazy right now, I'm lucky to get these done these days! I've actually completed through Week 15 at this point, but haven't had a chance to photograph. Here are Weeks 9-12.
 Week 9-1

Week 9-2

Week 9's challenge, above, was to use at least five layers. I think I accomplished that and then some! I started out with some under papers, added some spray inks, then some stencils, then some collage, then some stamping, them more college, then some finger painting with acrylics here and there, and finally some washi tape and pen work. The week's activities included our state basketball tournament and a fun day spent with my dear friend Vanessa and her sweet daughter Blaine in Ocala.

Week 10-1

Week 10-2

Week 10's challenge, above, was doodles and mark making as a layering element. I started with a light layer of spray inks and then added in some deli paper. I got that cool deli paper on the left from a restaurant up in Fernandina. We had dinner there, and my fish and chips came served on this paper. When I asked the waiter if I could have a few pieces for art projects, he brought me a whole stack. From there I doodled in some colored amoebas with gelatos, used my stabilo pencil to outline them and then added in lots of pen work and doodles here and there.  This week included our state Brain Bowl tournament. 

Week 11-1

Week 11-2

Week 11's challenge, above, was borders. I created the first border with pencil lines and then worked the inside with paints and stencils. Yes, it's actually that bright. Fluorescent orange and pink paints! After the paint, I blended in some gelatos around the border. I have a hard time leaving anything just plain white... Have you noticed? This week was Spring Break! We pretty much did a bunch of laziness.

Week 12-1

Week 12-2

Week 12's challenge, above, was making your mark as a focal point. I think I may have lost focus here, but this spread is actually my favorite of these four. I intended the "focal point" to be the large pinkish red flowers, which I drew with gelatos and smudged in. This could have definitely fit the "use at least five layers" challenge. I was in Tallahassee most of the week this week. We did Springtime Tallahassee that Saturday and moved me into our Tallahassee house that Sunday! Check out the 2015 Documented Life Project and everything else the Art to the 5th gals are up to here! It's never too late to join in!


Rae Missigman said...

Love seeing your share all your challenges! They are so pretty! :)

Unknown said...

I saw your work on the DLP gallery and remembered that I had visited your blog months ago and was impressed with the work you do with rescue dogs. I have had a retriever pit bull mix that we rescued 3 years ago and she is the sweetest thing! We also have a ginger great grandson (I am a very, very young great grandmother lol) and think your girls are adorable! Sorry for going on and on. All the best.

Kelly Warren said...

Thanks for stopping in, Rae and Brenda! Glad to hear you've rescued a pup, Brenda! I love my shelter work. And thanks for the complements on my gingers. That are lots of fun. I can't imagine that you are great grandmother! Enjoy your grands.