Best Shot Monday: Cluck Skywalker

Cluck Skywalker_A181532

In my years of being a volunteer animal shelter photographer, I've photographed nearly 3,000 dogs and cats, along with a few pigs and rabbits, but this, my friends, was a first: my first rooster!  Meet Cluck Skywalker.  I will say this was no easy feat. Shelter staff shared with me that Mr. Skywalker was not very nice to humans, so they wanted me to photograph him through the kennel cage door.  No squeaky ball and treats for this fella!  So I squatted down in front of the kennel door and shot through the fence, just hoping to get something useable.  I finally got lucky with this lovely profile he graced me with!

While giving Cluck his glamour shot, I learned from shelter staff that in the City of Tallahassee, you may have one rooster as long as you have hens.  Who knew!?  I photographed Cluck on Wednesday, shared his photo on my Facebook page Wednesday night, and by Thursday he had been adopted by a friend of a friend who shared his picture.  She contacted me to let me know Cluck is now happily living with a harem of three hens!  Support your local animal shelter!  Adopt. Foster. Volunteer. Donate. Educate.

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