Monday, February 4, 2008

Charming Sam Angel Challenge

Creative Every Day: Written by Amy Steinberg, Charming Sam is one of the blogs I read regularly. She put up a Valentine’s Challenge at the first of the year, and to make myself try something new, I decided to give it a shot. We were given one picture to work around, the angel. These are the two pieces I came up with. In the one above, I stuck with traditional Valentine colors. In the one below, I went with my favorite colors and tried to work around the words in the song so the phrases I wanted to come through were readable. Click on the photo to enlarge and you’ll be able to see them better. The music is “Have I Told You Lately” by Van Morrison and then Rod Stewart. It’s the song my DH and I danced to at our wedding.

These were my very first attempt at collage, so I’m pretty happy with the way they turned for a first try! Once the voting starts, I’ll let you know so you can go vote for me! For now, please tell me which one of these you like better and why in the comments box. Thanks!

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Anonymous said...

Hey Kelly, I like the blue one. Hmmm, do I recognize some of that paper? Why, I do, I do...LOL

Leah said...

beautiful!! good for you for tryin something new. you did such a great job!

Kelly Warren said...

yes, Christi, I imagine that paper does look a little familiar!

Thanks Leah!

Anonymous said...

Hey kelly, They are both great, Luv em.. thanks for your tip, I will certainly try that and Ill let you know what happens!! Robin

Janet said...

They're both beautiful! And these are your first attempts at collage??!! I'd say you've got nothing to worry about!