Monday, November 24, 2008

Updating and Giggling...

I'm working on updating my Etsy store and my website while listening to the girls play in the bathtub. Their laughter is contagious. Sounds like a giggle fest going on in there! Man, I wish I could bottle that stuff… To add to the bliss, there's an adorable little gray and white kitten at my feet tossing around a shell the girls brought upstairs. What makes you giggle? And how do ya like the new blog banner? :-)


Cristi Baxter Clothier said...

I love the new banner! It looks great.

Anonymous said...

love the new blog banner!


Anonymous said...

Love the colors in these earrings!
I love to hear the laughter of little children it always makes me smile!

Liking the new banner too!

Have a great Thanksgiving Day!
Charlotte Pritchard

Anonymous said...

I agree with you and Charlotte. I just love to hear babies/children laughing and/or giggling. Always makes me giggle too! The new banner is colortul and cute too!

Happy Thanksgiving to your family!
