Wednesday, April 22, 2009

CC Weekly Creativity Challenge: Breathless

Here’s my entry for this week’s Creative Construction weekly creativity challenge. It was the actual capturing of the photo that made me “breathless”. :-)

There’s a funny story behind this picture. Sunday afternoon, I was in the back yard playing with the girlies when I spotted this little patch of, um, well….I guess they truly are weeds. But I thought they were really cool looking weeds! So I ran upstairs to get my camera, realizing I had taken the memory card out and left it in my computer. So I had to run up one more flight to my computer to get the card and then back down to the kitchen to put it back in the camera. You get a lot of exercise living in a three-story house. By this time, the girls had come in wanting a snack. So I gave them a quick snack, only just then noticing the noise coming from the backyard. I ran back downstairs, camera in hand, only to see DH on the lawnmower just about to obliterate my lovely little patch of weeds. I yelled for him to stop, frantically waving my arms, and he stopped….right on top of my lovely little patch of weeds. I asked him to back up and, thankfully, a few little soldiers remained.

DH: “Kelly, those are weeds. Why do you want to take a picture of weeds?”

Kelly: “Yes, but they are really COOL looking weeds, so get the heck out of my way.”

I had to lay down on the grass on my tummy to get this shot, but I’m rather pleased with it! Who knew weeds could be so pretty? DH even admitted that it was pretty cool. I listed it in my Etsy store here. Okay….now, I’m off to find some more weeds, er, wildflowers, on the side of the road. Appreciate the beauty around you on this Earth Day, no matter what form it comes in!


Anonymous said...

I guess it's all in the way we look at life...some see weeds...some see COOL weeds! Some see the glass half empty other half full! Love the picture!

cath c said...

i was just thinking what a shame the rest of my neighborhood looks askance at the pretty dandelions and creeper confetti-like flowers all over my lawn! so they've been mowed, weednfeed-ed, and more grass seed laid in this week. and that oniony looking shoots all over my back lawn? they're great for keeping fleas and ticks away from my furry girls. too badd they don't fit the HOA's preferences.

Cristi Baxter Clothier said...

Very pretty weeds! I love the pic.

Jan said...

That is funny! I got some strange looks from a couple nearby when I snapped my weeds!!