Friday, April 24, 2009

The Magic of Childhood

Call it magic, call it make believe, call it what you want…I’m just so glad it’s there. The Easter Bunny paid a little visit to our house Easter Sunday before we headed down to the lake. The Easter Bunny’s assistant let Easter sneak up on her, so at 7:30pm Saturday after dinner at Chowder Ted’s, she had to run to Walgreen’s and pick through the last of the available Easter candy. Since there were slim pickin’s (luckily she had a few things left over from what she bought to bring to school for their party), the Easter Bunny’s assistant had a great idea and enlisted the help of our neighborhood fairies.

See, we have fairies living in our house. They come in and out through these lovely little fairy doors that appeared one morning. Occasionally the fairies leave us little gifts, and the girls leave them something in return. For Easter, the fairies got together with the Easter Bunny to create these lovely little pendants. They were sitting next to the girls’ Easter baskets Easter morning, which the Easter Bunny had conveniently left right outside the fairies’ door downstairs near my workshop (those are the artist fairies; the musician fairies live upstairs under the piano). I’ve been bombarded by questions and suggestions from the girls as to just how exactly the fairies made these pendants.

Girls: “Mama, our fairies are so small! How did they pick up the glass?”

Mama: “Well, the Easter Bunny’s got to be pretty big to carry around the baskets. He must have helped them.”

Girls: “Yeah! I bet that’s what they did. They must have flown up to your workbench and used your supplies!”

Mama: “Well, yes, I did notice that my workbench was pretty messy when I came down here Easter morning. I think I even saw some fairy dust! These must be extra special necklaces…”

Girls: “Yes, ma’am. We’ll have to draw them a picture to thank them.”

The magic of believing is a wonderful thing. They’ve worn these necklaces every day since. Maybe there's a lesson to be learned for the big girls from those little fairies and the little girls who believe in them.


cath c said...

great memory, kelly! that's a keeper you made for the girls.

only recently did i give up the santa tale to a true believer here. he said, 'that's ok, i think i'll still believe in him.'

my caveat in telling is always that the magic is in keeping the wonder alive for the little ones. and it's very true.

Karen Faulkner said...


lori vliegen said...

hi kelly! your fairy pendants are wonderful...and, a great story that goes with them, too!

i saw your photography on cristi's blog...beautiful! :)

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, so cute. I can't wait until my 2 year old stops destroying everything in her path, because I'be been dying to get one of those fairy doors! I love them!!

gorgeous pendants! You have some lucky little girls, Kelly!!