Sunday, December 20, 2009

Behind the Camera: Florida Flurries

My sister’s snowed in. I told her that’s what she gets for leaving Florida and settling in the Washington DC area. :-) I know, I know….there are those of you that love the snow. I’m just not one of them. In the brief periods I’ve been in it for a couple ski trips, I didn’t care for it one bit. That, of course, may be because I’ve lived my entire life in Florida, grew up on water skis, and even with my natural athletic ability (she says as she trips down the stairs), I simply couldn’t make the switch from water to snow. Each time I’ve gone, I’ve spent more time on the ground than actually gracefully swooshing down the slopes, so I guess it’s just not for me. And YES, I took lessons! No good. Oh well, I’ll stick to the beach.
So here’s my contribution to the snowy days of late some of you have been experiencing. I took this shot on our weekend walk through the 100 Acre Wood this morning. My Florida flurries. I love the way the script I layered behind the photo gives it a little ethereal quality. Should I list it in my Etsy shop? It has the same feel to it as the one I shared with you here. Whatever your weather, I hope you are enjoying the season.


Pamela said...

It's a beautiful photo Kelly and yes, very ethereal.

Cari Byers said...

Gorgeous!!! List it by all means.

SecondChanceChicken said...

Great effect!

cath c said...

a great florida take on the weekend east coast weather.

even i got snow!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful picture - I'll take your Florida snow any day. One of the reasons I live here is NO SNOW! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

#%&* Nancy

Roben-Marie said...

What a lovely photo!! Merry Christmas! :)